graphic design | art direction
Watery graphics and bold blue + reds define the magazine for Marineterrein Amsterdam; an area right in the heart of the city that has been closed off to the public for centuries.
After a long period of military use, Marineterrein Amsterdam will gradually open its doors and acquire a new place in the city again. The magazine provides a glimpse into all that's boiling on this exciting terrain.
Copyright | @2017, Bureau Marineterrein Editors | Jaapjan Berg & Marieke Berkers Text | Jaapjan Berg, Marieke Berkers, Saskia Naaf, Carolina Trujillo, Dirk Vis Photography | Janus van den Eijnden, Jeroen Hofman, Matthijs Immink, Lonneke van der Palen, Maarten Pedroli, Studio KNOL, Sanders Troelsma, Arjen Veldt, Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau Illustrations | Daniel Maarleveld, Jorien Kemerink